Why Self-Control Is So much Important?

Why Self-Control Is So Much Important:-

Board, School, Self Confidence, Continue

Coach Wooden chose to direct his definition of self-control at the individual by urging him or her to “Practice self-discipline and keep emotions under control. Good judgment and common sense are essential.”
He later elaborated on the importance of the trait by pointing out its role in making all other aspects of leadership more effective: “Self-control, regardless of what we are doing, whether it involves a physical act or a mental decision, must be maintained to produce desirable results. If emotion takes over, reason usually flies out the window and the acts or decisions are not likely to be as productive as they should be.”
Head, Judge, Judgment, Critic, Criticize
We must also maintain our self-control when others communicate with us in an antagonistic manner. If we allow somebody else’s communication to make us angry, we have unwittingly granted them control over our own emotions, rather than maintaining control of ourselves. If you don’t like the manner in which someone is talking to you, try to concentrate on the information and why they are communicating it rather than how they are saying it. In this way, you can still absorb the information being communicated, but can do so without having your own emotions affected by the other person. Don’t let anybody steal your smile.
The example we set is our most powerful teaching tool. If we expect those who we parent or supervise to act with self-control, we must maintain self-control ourselves.
